I always enjoy a chance to get together with fellow writers. The fun and fellowship we share is priceless. Not to mention that writers are the only ones who understand other writers...the oddities and little quirks, or even the unique way we think. For example, I was told by my friend, my pastor's wife, (you know, one of those 'normal' peop

le) that my thought process is quite interesting. Never mind the fact that I had just told her the dark, narrow road we were on would be a good place to dump a body. But since she is an avid reader and has come a little closer to understanding me, she puts up with my odd statements. (though I did notice she hugged the passenger door a little more)
MTCAN (Meet The Christian Authors Night) provided the perfect opportunity to mix and mingle with other authors. But that's not all it did. The funds raised from our book s

ales helps Grace-Full Ministry provide back-to-school items for children of single moms as well as fix cars to help those moms get their kids to school on time. The funds also allow children to attend camps and helps with home repairs. I would like to thank the ladies of this ministry for the opportunity to help serve in these activities, even in such a small way. I know what this ministry does for these families is such a blessing, and I'm blessed to be even a small part of it. Thank you, Linda Kozar for inviting me to be a part of MTCAN. And I also thank Janice Thompson for doing such and excellent job as emcee of the event.

One more special thank you goes to Karen, who has become a dear friend and is without a doubt the most incredible PR person I know. There's not a question in my mind that without her enthusiastic praise of my book, none would have sold. She's a gem.
We are here to praise, worship, and serve our Lord. Whenever you get the chance, help God's loved ones. They're not the only ones who will be blessed.