Saturday, May 22, 2010

Another Book Cover!

Love Finds You in Silver City, Idaho is set for release October 1 this year. I had so much fun researching this setting, and what I learned makes me want to visit the old mining town one day. Around 75 of the original buildings are still in this ghost town, many of them refurbished and maintained by private owners. Visitors can even spend the night in the old Idaho Hotel to get a taste of the old west. Sounds fun to me but I doubt my husband would go for that.

I love this cover!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Recommended Read!

The Anonymous Bride, by Vickie McDonough

From rock-flinging and bride-bringing to contests and outright pests, you're sure to enjoy this Texas tale about a poor marshal's dilemma of too many women and so little time. It's a fun and entertaining story you won't want to miss.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


I just had to share the cover to my novel by Harvest House titled, When All My Dreams Come True, set for release in 2011. It's always exciting to get the first glimpse of an new book cover and this is no exception. This is the first novel I wrote, and to see it come to fruition is my own dream come true. Thank you Harvest House for believing in me and this story.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Looking for just the right book but not sure where to look? Check out The Borrowed Book, a website designed specifically for readers and writers of fine books and devotionals! On Mondays, meet the finest debut authors Christian fiction has to offer. Wednesdays and Thursdays, read interviews with your favorite authors or browse excerpts from many of the latest books. Not into fiction? Then stop by on Tuesdays when writers of non-fiction and devotionals will be the featured guests.

Created by award-winning author and speaker, Elizabeth Ludwig, The Borrowed Book offers readers the chance to meet some of their favorite authors, catch up on the latest books, and sign up for weekly drawings and prizes. Rest assured, this isn’t your average writer’s blog. The Borrowed Book was designed with the book-lover in mind…you.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Oh Deer

I had an amazing morning and just have to share. I was out in one of our fields and it was so foggy I could hardly see a thing. As the fog lifted and I was leaving, I looked out across the field and noticed some shapes that looked like deer. I immediately squatted down. For a good twenty minutes, I watched as six bucks pranced and played their deer games.
No, that isn't a picture of the deer I saw, though I was kicking myself for not bringing my camera. But for some reason, I can only think of it as a blessing, those deer started wandering my direction. About fifty yards away, they finally noticed me. Curious, they continued closer, hesitant, their heads bobbing up and down and side to side trying to get a better look at me and see if I was friend or foe. About 35 to 40 yards away, they stopped and eyed me for a good five minutes before the biggest of the bucks snorted, making them all run off. Though my legs were asleep and the tingling was awful as the blood once again surged when I stood, I wouldn't have traded my morning for anything. Our God of all creation gave me a scene I'll never forget.