Saturday, May 22, 2010

Another Book Cover!

Love Finds You in Silver City, Idaho is set for release October 1 this year. I had so much fun researching this setting, and what I learned makes me want to visit the old mining town one day. Around 75 of the original buildings are still in this ghost town, many of them refurbished and maintained by private owners. Visitors can even spend the night in the old Idaho Hotel to get a taste of the old west. Sounds fun to me but I doubt my husband would go for that.

I love this cover!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Recommended Read!

The Anonymous Bride, by Vickie McDonough

From rock-flinging and bride-bringing to contests and outright pests, you're sure to enjoy this Texas tale about a poor marshal's dilemma of too many women and so little time. It's a fun and entertaining story you won't want to miss.